Yes, I have been a little MIA. It’s just that when I think about sitting down and having to deal with the daunting task of writing a blog. I don’t know why but it always takes me hours to fully get my thoughts down. So, long story short, I’m not dead. Long story a bit longer, I’ve been going to school and coming home and eating, and not really doing much of anything.

Well, okay, that’s a bit of a lie. I’ve gone to plenty of restaurants, and been trying out new things. So, I will try and try to get this shit posted. Kick my ass, tie me down, I’m going to do this. Getting my ass in gear. I’ve been too slacky lately.

Alors, what have I been doing these past couple of months in Toronto with few new friends? Homework, food, parties, and ordering shit online. I love buying things online. Sometimes I’ll go on binges and buy so many things. It’s the part where I receive them in the mail that really gets me off.

So here, a more or less a list of things I’ve bought recently.

1. USB Hub

So, my laptop only has two USB ports and lately, I’ve found myself having to use more than that. It’s very inconvenient. So I bought this little guy, because he’s cute, and he was inexpensive, but mostly because he’s cute. His little heart even lights up when you plug shit into him. :D

2. Doctor Who : Season Four Specials

They were on sale on Amazon for only 20$! It was a steal, so how could I not buy it. It’s all I’m missing (of the series revival) until the fifth season comes out on DVD (November!). Plus it has shiny David Tennant on the cover. Win!

3. Robots in Disguise

I love this shirt. It was a one-day-only design on Teefury.com and it was only 9$! 12$ with shipping. It is so incredibly nerdy but so incredibly amazing. It fits me real well, and I can wear my Doctor Who pride out in public. The material its made out of feels real nice too. 3-level of nerdiness, I’m not lame, no.

4. iPhone Cases

From the Apple Case program. I love free things. And then some other cases. Why I need more than one case, I don’t know.

5. iPhone case stickers + screen guard

Found for real cheap on the interwebs. Okay, so it isn’t mine, but it still looks pretty rad. This one was for my brother.

Rogers’ iPhone 4

Warning: This post may or may not be comprehensible due to my current state of fatigue, but I have to write this while it’s all fresh up in the noggin.

Today’s post was supposed to be a happy go lucky post slash review of the iPhone 4 for it’s release in Canada. Awesome. Except not really. Let’s go back to the beginning, shall we?

After doing some research and calling our local Rogers stores, we (that is, my brother and I, but mostly my brother) learned that the stores will receive a maximum of 15 units. For a regular sized store, an average of 10-15 units. So, excited for the release, we went to hang out (read: line up) in front of a nearby store at 2am last night. Cool. We like lining up for events like this, for fun. Plus, getting a phone out of it in the end would be pretty sweet too.

It was quite frigid last night for a summer’s evening, even though I was clad in jeans, socks, and a sweater, among other things, but I was pretty covered up to say the least. We’re the first ones there so we sit around, hopping in and out of the car for warmth. At quarter to five, another person arrives; a chatty young female professional who quite reminds me of iJustine, except less strange and in-your-face. We mingle, have a picnic breakfast, face down the stares from passers-by, waiting for other people to come.

At 7, more people begin trickling in, and by opening hours, 10am, there were 20-30 people in line with us. An employee pokes his head out to inform us that there are 11 iPhone 4s available, nine 16gb and two 32gb. We are given tickets with numbers and orders on it, and are finally let into the store. My brother and I were the first to be served and that’s when shit fucked up.

There seemed to be a problem with Rogers’ servers when it was dealing with early hardware upgraders (us). You see, Rogers lets you do a hardware update every two years, where you renew to a three year contract and are allowed to buy another phone at the new contract price (usually very much cheaper). With the new iPhone release, as they did the last one, they were allowing existing iPhone users who have only completed 1 year of their contract to also do a hardware upgrade.

What this means is that if you completed 1 year of your contract, you add one more year to your contract, bumping it up to a full 3 years, and you can buy a 16gb iPhone 4 at 399$ instead of 649$ which is retail price.

If you completed 2 years of your contract, you add two more years to your contract, bumping it up to a full 3 years, and you only pay 159$.

Cool, except the early hardware updates weren’t working. Fuck.

9 hours in line and whatnot and I couldn’t even get a phone. I guess I can’t be angry because it was my choice to go out there and there wasn’t anything that the sales associates could do. There was a bug in the system, that was that. Nothing can be done on my part. I guess I’m just a little sad that I wasn’t able to get it. A little embarrassed too since we spent all that time there and walked out with nothing.

So, adding that the previous night I had gotten 4 hours of sleep and now pulling an all nighter, I am pooped.

Having this happen in conjunction with not yet having any luck selling my 3gs is making me feel like maybe this just isn’t meant to be. Maybe I really should wait for the next upgrade. But I really want that led flash on the rear facing camera and am very interested in that retina display. I’ll probably just wait till the system is fixed and then try again in a couple of weeks because I am weak like that.

Good night.